Ram Jaipal College started on July 5, 1971. It is one of the best colleges in Bihar. Over 50 years, it has grown from a small college called Chapra College, Chapra, linked to Bihar University, Muzaffarpur, to a big part of Jai Prakash University, Chapra. It now teaches many students up to the PG level. The college was built because of the hard work of many kind people, teachers, and social workers in Chapra. With the help of Late Hira Lal Rai, the first principal, and Late Ram Jaipal Singh Yadav, the former Deputy Chief Minister of Bihar, the college got its current name and shape. The college is on 3.2 acres of land on Dak Bunglow Road in the center of Chapra. It offers quality education in 14 subjects for graduation and 4 subjects for post-graduation. The college is very active in holding useful seminars, lectures, and workshops and has lively NSS and NCC chapters.
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